Cetaphil Skin Squad #GentlePower Party

At the Cetaphil Skin Squad #GentlePower Party, we had some salad, fruits (grapes, strawberries), salsa with chips, mac n cheese, hot dogs, and a sausage dish. We tried out the moisturizers to see how they felt and helped with our dry skin.  During this time we also compared it to our regular brands that we use to see if we thought that the Cetaphil was better or worse than others. I handed out the samples for people to take home with them at the end after trying the full sized sample products at the party. 

A lot of the guests liked the lotion because they said that it didn’t feel greasy like they’re used to with other brands. A few said that they thought that the lotion seemed to moisturize their dry skin quite well in the small amount of time that they used it. Overall most attendees thought very highly of the Cetaphil products, especially the lotions but didn’t comment too much about the soaps so much. 

Crowdtap and Cetaphil were great for providing us with free samples of the Cetaphil face cleansing cloths, facial moisturizer, body wash and lotion.

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